People - A motivating article

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People Express Airline – America


Chairman DON BURR’S  two very famous words are “ awesome “ and “ empowerment “. What the people at People Express have accomplished is “ Awesome ,” what people need is to be “ Empowered,” not managed.


Training Manual :-


A retailer, who had ran a store for six to seven years, personally conducted all the training; she correctly thought it was vital function. As the store grew to seventy – five employees ( with retail’s typical high turn over, though hers was far below average), the task became almost impossible. She began to write training manual, and was thinking about appointing someone to assist her as training manager. But that sounded bureaucratic to her, so she shifted gears and decided to ask her best people in each area if they would like to do some of the training. Would they ever, She was astonished by the out pouring of enthusiasm. Old hands signed up for even the most in convenient shifts to train a new comer. It became a major distinction to be chosen / allowed to train. And the enthusiasm – and – the talent – had been all there, lying untapped, during the prior two years, when the task had been getting beyond her control. Moreover, she readily admitted, “ The quality of the training has gone up, mainly as a function of the enthusiasm the new ‘trainers ‘ bring to it”.