Philips Aurora I966’s market price 8999 RMB (1469.28 USD)?

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The first cellphone to use the YunOS 3.0, the Philips Aurora I966, was launched along with the OS. This device has the kind of specifications that you would see in a flagship device. Right now, those interested can pre-order the phone in YunOS’ official website even though they have not yet announced the price. The Philips Aurora I966 has a 5.5-inch curved 2K 3d screen, 3G RAM, a 20.7mp camera, and fingerprint sensor.

You can also pre-order the phone at the Yun Mobile specialty store. Here, the promotional price for the Philips Aurora I966 is 3999 RMB (652.92 USD). This is not too bad but if you look at the pre-order page, it says that the market price is close to 8999 RMB making it one of China’s most expensive cellphones.

Hopefully, there’s a more affordable price as it is set to go on sale on November 1.



About the author


I'm currently studying in a prestigious school, which is Ateneo, taking up Accountancy, and in God's will, I will pass. I am also an amateur Writer and Photographer.

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