A light beam and photo diode are used to across the conveyor belt. In normal light beam are continuous stand on photo diode. If any item are cross the light beam its disconnect and photo diode are produce a signal which are carry to counter and the counter we know that its count one . Same as this method the items are pass through conveyor belt and disconnect light beam and counter count regularly.
By using in alarm circuits :-
This diode is very effective for security purpose. In our house and other important place are used this security system. This security system are very reliable for other any security systems. In this system, we install the light beam and photo diode in door and all other risky areas. The photo diode are attached with alarm circuit. In normal cause the photo diode are pass the signal to alarm as a open circuit ,when light beam are fall to photo diode in continuous.
If any body are cross the door in this cause light beam are stop a moment to fall on photo diode. So the photo diode are produce close circuit signal and alarm are getting start to sounded.
Thanks for regard:...............yasir ali