2 Jumping crazy and do not care about personal space of those around
3 Staging dances are always new friends
4 Suddenly remembering an important skill as a kid and want to show it extremely
5 Easy buy stuff on sale website
6 Convince yourself that karaoke is a great idea.
7 There is a strange posture poison on the street
8 Talk, chatting with complete strangers who in toilet
9 Share information unduly sensitive to facebook
10 Or comment the question "preposterous" in facebook others
11 Post silly questions on Twitter that you be embarrassed tomorrow
12. Physical activity though you do not want
13. Arguing for something very silly and potentially losing a friendship lasted nearly a decade
14. Frank talk with friends all sizes
15.Endless shopping as if money makes no sense at all
16. Who decided that it would be your soul mate forever even if you only met them at the station waiting for taxi
17. Create great plan that guarantees that you will forget to clean in the morning ...
18. Share your deepest secrets of the heart
19. Take a certain silly things that you find on the way
20. Ask a taxi driver turned real music "has" to be spoiled "shake
21. Asleep on public transport and woke up at the last station
22. Texting exes