Phrasal Verbs

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back away from

avoid doing something unpleasant (отступать, отказываться)

She backed away from taking on the responsibility

back down

take back what you have said

(отступать, уступать в споре)

Tom backed down and Peter went away without a fight.

back off

stop doing something annoying (отстранять, отсупиться, отцепиться)

OK, I'll back off this week, but next week you owe me the money!

back up

go in reverse direction (дать задний ход)

I'll back the car up and we'll leave.

Bail out

help someone in a difficult situation (выручить из беды)

Peter bailed Tom out last week when he offered his apartment as a place to stay.

band together

create a group (объединиться)

We banded together three years ago and performed all over Oregon.

bang away at

do repeatedly (усердно, настойчиво работать)

Keep banging away at the grammar and you'll soon be a master!

bank on

rely on someone or something


You can back on Tim to always do the right thing.

bandy about

discuss (обсуждать)

The men bandied their past about as they sipped their beers in a pub.

barge in

enter a place or a conversation unexpectedly (вмешиваться,встревать)

I hate to barge in, but I think you're wrong!

bash on

continue working hard (усердно работать)

Let's bash on and get this done.

be in for

experience soon (предстоит,ожидает)

I'm in for taking a trip to Florida.

be into

enjoy very much (увлекаться)

I'm into jazz music from the 1950s.

be onto

discover something with a lot of potential (подфортило)

He's onto some new stock and he thinks he'll make a million.

be up to

be busy doing something, usually bad (ввязаться)

Kevin, what are you up to?!

beg off

excuse yourself from doing

(отпроситься, отказаться)

I have to beg off tonight. I'm just too tired.

belt out


Let's belt out a song for the old times!

black out

become unconscious (терять сознание)

Mary blacked out last night, so she is visiting the doctor today.

blow over

eventually finish (проходить, миновать, прекращаться)

These problems will blow over with time. Don't worry so much.

blunder around

move about clumsily (двигаться неуверенно)

Stop blundering about the room. Turn on the light.

blurt out

say suddenly (выбалтывать, выкрикивать)

I blurted out the answer without raising my hand in class.

bomb along

move very quickly (промчаться)

We bombed along the highway at 100 miles per hour!

bounce back

recover from (выздоравливать)

Tom bounced back well and is at work this week.

bounce off

discuss an idea with someone

(обсуждать идею)

I bounced a few ideas off Doug for his opinion.

break off

separate form (отломать, отделить, расстаться)

We broke off some chocolate because we were hungry.

break through

overcome difficulties to achieve success (прорваться, преодолеть, добиться успеха)

We finally broke through and the company started to do well.

bring about

make happen (осуществлять)

Susan brought about the various changes at school.

bring off

manage to do something difficult

(успешно выполнить/осуществить)

We brought off the project though it wasn't easy.

bring around

convince someone of something


It took me some time, but I brought Jennifer around to my point of view.

buckle down

become serious about something (серьезно приниматься за дело)

We need to buckle down and get the work done.

bugger up

make a failure out of something that should be a success (загубить, напортачить)

Don't bugger it up! You'll only get one chance.

build on

continue to improve on something (основываться, улучшать)

The company wants to build on its success in Asia.

bum around

waste time (зря тратить время)

Let's bum around today at the house. I don't want to go anywhere.

bump into

meet unexpectedly (натолкнуться)

I bumped into Fred last week at the supermarket.

buy into

believe (верить, купиться)

I don't buy into that story. I think there are some major problems.

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