Pitching My Ideas.

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During University yesterday we were allowed to pitch two ideas for films that we wanted to make this semester. The year was split off into three smaller groups and we pitched our ideas in front of the group. We had the opportunity to not only receive valuable feedback on our own ideas, but also to engage in conversation and offer feedback to other peoples ideas.

I found this exercise very useful in finding out which of my two ideas I would decide to make. It also gave me many new ideas suggested to me by my peers, ideas that I hadn't thought of before. It also helped me to learn how to take constructive criticism and also how to give them. It helped me to realise the importance of discussion and debate in the process of ideas generation. 

 Overall I found the day very successful. I came out confident with what I want to do and how to approach it.

About the author


I am currently a Film Production student at Staffordshire University that hopes to someday make a successful career out of film.

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