You receive 0.3 Energy points for each article you buy, up to maximum 10 articles per day. You only receive energy for the first 10 articles you buy.
For q1 Clothes, you will receive 1/24 points of energy each hour, for q2 – 3/24 points of energy, and for q3 – 5/24 points of energy each hour.
The weapons are consumed both in the Arena and in the referral fights, no matter if you attack or if you are attacked.
For each day of work, you will receive experience points. The experience decreases each day by 0.3%.
The Productivity is calculated as an average between Energy, Experience and Knowledge. Depending on your productivity, you receive the salary and the work bonus.
From each income, you pay a tax of 35%, which is divided between your master and the government. The master receives up to 25%
When you open a company, you receive a license valid for 90 days. If the company produces more than one product, the license you receive is random.
Check out the Forum to find out the latest updates and to interact with other users! Each country in MarketGlory has a forum in their own language.
You can participate in a war in defense, as a freedom fighter, only in the country where you are a citizen. In order to fight, you need to meet the requirements for participation.
The salary is calculated by the following formula: the displayed salary * your productivity/ 1000. You will pay 35% taxes from each income.
The Knowledge increases when you have Books. You receive 1 point of Knowledge for q1 books, 3 points for q2 and 5 points for q3.
From each income, you pay a tax of 35%, which is divided between your master and the government. The master receives up to 25%.
For a House you will receive each hour 7/24 points of energy, for a Villa – 20/24 points of energy and for a Palace – 35/24 points of energy each hour.
The clothes last for 10 days. The real estates last for 30 days. For clothes and houses, the energy is distributed each hour, the whole day, not all at once.
For each transaction on the Financial Market, you pay a tax of 3% of the value of the transaction, in Gold.
The members of the government can exchange money from the country's budget and they can change the the quantum of bonuses and global taxes.
You can open your own company. Choose from over 44 types of companies. The Newspaper and the Cow Farm are free.
Promote your referral link. Each user registered on your link will become your referral blocked for 100 days and they will pay taxes from each income to you.
The members of the government can exchange money from the country's budget and they can change the the quantum of bonuses and global taxes.
You can open your own company. Choose from over 44 types of companies. The Newspaper and the Cow Farm are free.
Promote your referral link. Each user registered on your link will become your referral blocked for 100 days and they will pay taxes from each income to you.
The Productivity is calculated as an average between Energy, Experience and Knowledge. Depending on your productivity, you receive the salary and the work bonus.
If you work for 3 days in a row, you will receive a Work bonus, depending on your productivity. The bonus is calculated: your productivity * the maximum work bonus /
On the 1st of each month, in MarketGlory there are elections. You can run for government 4 days before this date.
On the 21st of each month, you receive an Affiliates bonus for the integer Affiliates points accumulated. Check the Affiliates section for details.
When you open a company, you receive a license valid for 90 days. If the company produces more than one product, the license you receive is random.
Each battle you win in the Arena will enhance your level, depending on the level of the defeated player.
For a House you will receive each hour 7/24 points of energy, for a Villa – 20/24 points of energy and for a Palace – 35/24 points of energy each hour.
For each transaction on the Financial Market, you pay a tax of 3% of the value of the transaction, in Gold.
Depending on the number of the votes, the first 8 candidates will form the Government. The first one will be Prime-Minister and the others will be ministers.
When the Partners' fund reaches 10.000 Euro, it is distributed to the shareholders, 0.01 Euro for each share owned.
A fight lasts for 10 minutes, during which you cannot be attacked and you cannot open new fights. If you win the fight, you will receive a fight bonus.
The members of the government can exchange money from the country's budget and they can change the the quantum of bonuses and global taxes.
In the Arena/ Bonuses section, you can see the bonuses for each rank and the points needed to obtain each rank.
Promote your referral link. Each user registered on your link will become your referral blocked for 100 days and they will pay taxes from each income to you.
For each day of work, you will receive experience points. The experience decreases each day by 0.3%.
Each battle you win in the Arena will enhance your level, depending on the level of the defeated player.
The coffee is consumed when you want to. You can consume an ulimited number of coffees per day and it will give you energy points correspoding to its quality.
The energy you receive depends on the quality of the products. For low quality goods you receive 1 point, for normal quality - 3 points and for high quality - 5 points.
To receive the Arena bonus, at 23.59 (server time), you need at least one weapon of attack, one weapon of defense and 5 points of energy.
The clothes last for 10 days. The real estates last for 30 days. For clothes and houses, the energy is distributed each hour, the whole day, not all at once.
The Energy decreases by 5% per hour, by 10% when you fight, and by 50% when you work. You can increase your energy level by consuming goods.