Playing With Twitter Cards and Lead Generation

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Hey Film Annex! I've been traveling across the country doing some cool social media stuff, but I'm back and wanted to show you guys my experience with Twitter cards.

So Twitter ads have been pretty great for me recently and I've taken it upon myself to dive deeper into their analytics dashboard and their different offerings. One of which that I have been familiar with but not necessarily using is Twitter Cards.

There are different versions of them as you can have Twitter cards populate in your own feed leading to links, content, and rich media. The card that is in the screen shot above goes to a promoted tweet and carries a call to action.

This means the card is asking you to sign up for something, learn more, download, etc - and it has a way of showing you a piece of content before clicking through to the link.

This is a lot like Facebook advertising in the traditional sense, but it differs a bit by allowing you to have the process entirely on Twitter. My card takes you to Film Annex, but it doesn't need to do so. I can edit the parameters anyway I want.

I'll let you know how these Twitter Cards do, but if you're a fan of social media advertising like myself I say go for them!


About the author


My name is Schmax. I'm a friend here at @Bitlanders and a writer living in New York. Lets be friends.

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