A college is dreamland of student’s life. It is a fascinating panorama of enjoyment, freedom and friendship. Sweet memories and pleasure of college life are simply amazing. The first and the last day, group of friends, unexpected holidays, functions of curricular and extra-curricular activities and adventures at hostels make college life the most memorable and unforgettable part of student life.
College life with more and more freedom and relaxed learning environment has a long lasting effect on student’s life. The quality of teachers and their effective teaching style really make college life special. The interaction of new and well-educated teachers and new classmates creates a different environment so that thoughts are changed, new hopes and dreams become realities. College buildings are huge and impressive. There are big halls for functions and playgrounds for games. College have wonderful labs and libraries.
In college life there is interaction with different people from different places and different families so a student is able to know about different traditions and lifestyles. This has a good effect on personality. It also developes spirit of unity, brotherhood and friendship.
The most interesting part of college life is the tours and visits to different places. The tours with classmates and college fellows help in understanding each other. Everyone cares about someone. Group gathering and spending time with each other make those moments memorable. These tours also develop friendship for life.
College life is basically a route towards professional education. From the professional point of view college is the best place. It provides the best facilities and the best route to success. If a career is properly started the destination becomes quite easy. College life is a very memorable part of life.