PMI Give Health Care For Immigrants Stranded

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North Aceh PMI volunteers treat the wounded refugees

561 Bangladesh and Myanmar refugees including 437 men, 81 women, 23 children and 20 toddlers, stranded in the waters of the North Aceh on Sunday (10/05) ago.

PMI Public Relations North Aceh, Ahmad Yani said initially the refugees were placed in GOR Lhoksukon. Given the growing number, the shelter moved in Kuala Cangkoi, Kacamatan Field, North Aceh district.

"PMI Aceh Utara still on treatment and health care for immigrants Bangladesh and Myanmar together with the local health department, Distributing logistical support in the form of 80 Family Kits, 20 Baby kits and 100 blankets. As well, opening a soup kitchen for the distribution of food. "Obviously.

North Aceh PMI mobilized 21 volunteers were divided into two teams which teams of health care and public kitchen. In addition to the PMI there are several parties who participated in the handling of Immigrants Bangladesh and Myanmar, including: Army / Police, RS PMI North Aceh, North Aceh SAR, Social Services, Public Health Service, Immigration and IOM Medan.

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Indonesian Red Cross Society (Indonesian: Palang Merah Indonesia) is a humanitarian organization in Indonesia. It is a member of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Indonesia is the one of the very few Muslim-majority countries to use the Red Cross as its symbol. Because Indonesia is neither…

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