POEM Posted on 10 November 2015 at 07:21 WHEN I TELL YOU "I LOVE YOU" IT MEANS FOREVER -Deanne Laura Gilbert- "I Love You" means that I accept you for the person that you are, and that I don't wish to change you into someone else. "I Love You" means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times. "I Love You" means that I am thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly. and hoping you feel the same way for me. "I love You" means forever. https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=images+of+i+love+you&biw=1360&bih=657&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CBoQsARqFQoTCNnC9K74hckCFQXmpgodMfoBaw#imgrc=aO2A2bnmK057nM%3A https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=images+of+i+love+you&biw=1360&bih=657&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CBoQsARqFQoTCNnC9K74hckCFQXmpgodMfoBaw#imgrc=H5j5qs9kQaJp9M%3A