Today I have choose different topic for you friends. Today I want to tell you about presentation skill because it’s major problem with peoples so that they not easily present their self to others. Some people have hesitated, shy, low confidence and environment for healthy conversations. So that’s why I have chosen this one. Now I will briefly explain this problem, its result and how we can control this…So here we go…
It is well said: “The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished”.
What is your vision of the ideal presenter in our environment?
Let me tell you about this;
Objectives for Today
- utilize eye contact, body language and voice to their advantage in a presentation,
- develop visual aids that reflect good instructional design properties, and
- Respond to questions in an effective manner.
Podium Panic
For some people, the thought of giving a presentation is more frightening than falling off a cliff, financial difficulties, snakes and even death.
Dealing with Podium Panic
Audiences are forgiving
If you feel nervous or makes any mistake so you should think that audience is forgiving.
Nervousness is usually invisible
You should control this major one problem.
Be yourself
Be ready for any situation so you should be confidence and don’t lose this for any cost.
Practice deep breathing/ visualization techniques
When you are going to present any topic front of audience you should take a deep breath. It will help you to built your confidence level and also visualize your audience.
Begin in your comfort zone
When you are standing front of audience you should be thinking this is your place and here you will win the world.
Writer: Waleed Altaf
Friendz keep sharing and also buzz...Thanks...!
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