President Karzai has met Michel platini president of Football federation for Europe

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Karzai has met Mr. Platini on Sunday afternoon in presidential house.

In this meeting platini congratulated the championship of Afghanistan national team in south Asia to president Karzai and he added that the afghan national team has improved in the past decade he said; we want to share our experience in football with Afghanistan football federation. We want to make five schools in five big cities Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad for under age yang’s


Ali khan mohamadof head of Azerbaijan football federation also showed his willingness to our team and he said that the president of Azerbaijan said they will provide every kind of facility to the afghan national team and they will help and support our national team. Both platini and mohamadof announced their support to our national team.

it shows that the security situation in Afghanistan become well that these people came to our country and many people think it will get save and secure day by day if those who are responsible or we can say politicians encourage our adults and inspire them to sport youths will not join Taliban they will come to play grounds in spite of going to Taliban or other opposite group.

Author: Ibrahim Mahboob

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Esteqlal is the number 2 in the Premier League in Kabul. Esteqlal trains at the Ghazi stadium. The coach, Zaher Hasani, is a trainer for the national team and a committee member of Tolo TV, responsible for selecting the best player. 10 players from Esteqlal are selected by TV Tolo…

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