- The Attorney General and the General Prosecution Office: Institutional Split,84 policy research(Jerusalem: Israel Institute for Democracy). [Hebrew& English Abstract] [103 pp.] (2010)
- Communities and Law: Politics and Cultures of Legal Identities (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press),[The Best Book Award, 2003, AIS; selected for a roundtable in the Law and Society Association, Chicago 2004][second print, March 2005] [370 pp.] (2003)
- Wars, Internal Conflicts, and Political Order: A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East , (New York: State University of New York Press) [301 pp.] (1996)
- The Israeli Supreme Court and the Israeli Public, with Zeev Segal and Efraim Yaar, (Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University Press) [Hebrew & English Synopsis] [241 pp.] (1994)
- A Democracy in Wartime: Conflict and Consensus in Israel (Tel-Aviv: Sifriat Polaim),[manuscript received the Karni Prize by the Ben-Gurion Foundation][Hebrew] [363 pp.] (1992)
- The Impact of Intercommunal Conflict: The Intifada and Israeli Public Opinion, with Giora Goldberg and Efraim Inbar, (Jerusalem: Leonard Davis Institute) [63 pp.] (1991)
- Inclusion of Peripheral Groups in Law and Society in Times of Peace With Michael Keren,9 policy research(Jerusalem: Israel Institute for Democracy) [Hebrew] [English Synopsis] [45 pp.] (1998)
- State Comptroller: Authority and Responsibility. Principles, Institutions in Comparative Perspective, Analysis and Recommendations for Reforms with David Nachmias,10 policy research(Jerusalem: Israel Institute for Democracy, 1998) [Hebrew] [English Synopsis] [68 pp.] (1998)
- Israel Central Bank: Authority and Responsibility. Principles, Institutions in Comparative Perspective, Analysis and Recommendations for Reforms with David Nachmias,8 policy research(Jerusalem: Israel Institute for Democracy) [Hebrew] [English Synopsis] [46 pp.] (1998)
- The Attorney General: Authority and Responsibility. Principles, Institutions in Comparative Perspective, Analysis and Recommendations for Reforms with David Nachmias,6 policy research[Hebrew] [English Synopsis] [56 pp.] (Jerusalem: Israel Institute for Democracy) (1997)
- “Social Protest and the Absence of Legalistic Discourse: In the Quest for New Language of Protest” (2014)
- "The Ambivalence of Litigation: A Criticism of Power" ,13 Jadal (2012)
- "Engineering the Law and Justice Deconstruction: Ideologies of Knowledge in Law and Politics in Israel and Beyond" with Ilan Peleg,4(2) Journal of Comparative Law, 205-227 (2011)
- "Is Jewish Studies a Relevant Field for Academic Programs" ,20 Jewish Studies Newsletter (University of Washington) (2010)
- "Legal Rights and Governance in Highly Divided Societies: Democratic Endurance without Power-Sharing" with Ayelet Harel-Shalev,
- Association of Law and Society (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) (2008)
- "The Agonizing Absurdity of Enlightened Occupation" ,45 Adalah Newsletter [also published in Hebrew and Arabic] (2008)
- "Beyond Relativism: Where is Political Power in Legal Pluralism" ,9(2) Theoretical Inquiries in Law, 395-416 (2008)
- "The King is Not Naked- Why Law is Political" ,4(1) Din U'Dvarim (University of Haifa Law Review) 55-79 [Hebrew] (2008)
- "Symbols in Law: Outlawing Pigs as a Methaphor" ,11(3) Government and Law, 599-609 [Hebrew] (2008)
- "Who is a Jew: Categories, Boundaries, Communities and Citizenship Law" ,Conference on Jewish Identities (University of Washington) (2007)
- "Deeply Divided Societies and Democratic Survival –Minority Languages in India and Israel" ,American Political Science Association (Annaul Conference) (2007)
- "Beyond Relativism: Where is Political Power in Legal Pluralism" ,Legal Pluralism, Privatization and Multiculturalism (Tel Aviv University Law School) (2007)
- "The Impact of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) on Law and Society Researches" ,Report of the Membership and Professional Issues Committee (Law and Society Association, Presented in the Board Meeting, Law and Society Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany) (2007)
- "The Paradox of Religious Fundamentalist Communities in National Democracies" ,In Religion and Democratic Culture: The Problems of Violence and the Possibilities of Peace (University of Washington) (2006)
- "Cultured Technology: Internet and Religious Fundamentalism" with Karine Barzilai-Nahon,21(1) The Information Society, 25-40 (2005)
- "Culture of Patriarchy in Law: Violence from Antiquity to Modernity" ,38(4) Law and Society Review, 864-887 (2004)
- "The Redemptive Principle of Particularistic Obligations: A Legal Political Inquiry" ,14(2-3) The Responsive Community, 133-137 (2004)
- "The Different Among Us: Law and Political Boundaries of Religious Fundamentalism" ,27(2) Eyunei Mishpat (Tel Aviv Law Journal) 587-625 [Hebrew & English Abstract] (2004)
- "Theory and Civic Criticism of Miliitarism" ,Theory and Criticism [Hebrew] (2004)
- "National Security in Courts and Law: A Theoretical and Comperative Analysis" ,Annual Conference of American Political Science Association(2003)
- "Who is a Terrorist: Legal Complexities, Political Paradoxes and Social Challenges" ,Colloquium on International Law and Counter-Terrorism(Tel Aviv University Law School) (2002)
- "Multiculturalism and Minority Groups" ,International Israel-Germany Conference-Multicultural Societies- Realities and Challenges (Tel Aviv University Law School) (2001)
- "Reconciliation Between Communities: A Human Rights Approach" ,3(2) Israeli Sociology, 297-311 [Hebrew] (2001)
- "Law is Politics" ,6(1) UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 207-213 (2001)
- "Referendum: Parliamentarianism or Populism" ,5 Politics (Journal of Political Science and International Relations), 47-59 [Hebrew] (2000)
- "Fantasies of Liberalism and Liberal Jurisprudence: State Law, Politics, and the Israeli-Arab-Palestinian Community" ,34 Israel Law Review, 425-451 (2000)
- "The Case of Azmi Bishara: Political Immunity and Freedom in Israel" ,MERIP [Middle East Report], 80 (2000)
- "War, Democracy, and Internal Conflict: Israel in a Comparative Perspective" ,31(3) Comparative Politics, 317-336 (1999)
- "Center against Periphery: Politics and Law of 'Prevention of Terrorism Acts'" ,8 Israel Journal of Criminal Justice, 229-249 (1999)
- "Courts as Hegemonic Institutions: The Israeli Supreme Court in a Comparative Perspective" ,5 (2&3) Israel Affairs, 15-33 (1999)
- Justiciability and the Military: The Effects of the 1973 War on the Israeli Supreme Court" ,Ba'Machane [Hebrew] (1998)
- "Governmental Lawyering in the Political Sphere: Advocating the Leviathan" with David Nachmias,3(2) Israel Studies, 30-46 [article was also published in Hebrew and Arabic] (1998)
- "Courts as Hegemonic Institutions and Social Change" ,2 Politics, 31-51 [Hebrew] (1998)
- "Why do Courts Accumulate Political Power and Why do they Lose It: An Institutional Perspective" ,Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Washington D.C.) (1997)
- "Between the Rule of Law and the Laws of the Ruler: Israeli Legal Culture and the Supreme Court" ,152 International Social Science Journal, 193-208 [translated to French, Arabic, Russian, and Spanish] (1997)
- "Positions on National Security of Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Political Leadership" with Efraim Inbar and Giora Goldberg,13(2) Journal of Developing Societies, 1-13 (1997)
- "Who is Fearful of the Supreme Court" ,1 Panim- Quarterly for Society, Culture, and Education, 36-44 (1997)
- "Courts as Hegemonic Institutions" ,The Conference on "Israel in Comparative Perspective" (UC Berekely, Law School) (1996)
- "The Use of Force: Israeli Public Opinion on Military Options" ,23(1) Armed Forces and Society, 49-80 (1996)
- "National Security and Freedom of the Press: The Pentagon Papers' Affair and Its Theoretical Implications" ,3 Psiphas, 57-69 [Hebrew] (1996)
- "Supreme Courts and Public Opinion: General Paradigms and the Israeli Case" ,World Congress XVI of the International Political Science Association (Berlin) (1994)
- "The Political Nature of Judicial Review" Book of Abstracts,World Congress XVI of the International Political Science Association (Berlin) (1994)
- "Physical and Attitudinal Borders: The Israeli-Palestinian Case" with Ilan Peleg,World Congress XVI of the International Political Science Association (Berlin) (1994)
- "Israel and Future Borders: A Multidimensional Approach to the Assessment of a Dynamic Process" with Ilan Peleg,31(1) Journal of Peace Research,59-73 (1994)
- "The Deportation Case: The Rule and the Rule of Law" with Efraim Yuctman-Yaar and Zeev Segal,4 Israel Journal of Criminal Justice, 9-16 [Hebrew & English Abstract] (1994)
- "Supreme Courts and Public Opinion: General Paradigms and the Israeli Case," with Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar and Zeev Segal,4(3) Law and Courts,3-6 (1994)
- "Do Wars Have an Impact ? Israeli Public Opinion After the Gulf War" with Efraim Inbar,Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 48-64 (1992)
- "Cultural Orientations and Hero Images" With Michael Keren,Israel Studies Forum [Newsletter of Israeli Studies], 7-10 (1992)
- "The Media in Wartime" ,10 Qesher, 25-32 [Hebrew] (1991)
- "The Middle East Power Balance: Israel's Attempts to Understand Changes in Soviet-Arab Relations," with Gideon Doron,5 (1) International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 35-47 (1991)
- "Israeli Leadership and Public Attitudes toward Federal Solutions for the Arab-Israeli Conflict Before and After Desert Storm," with Efraim Inbar and Giora Goldberg,29 (3) Publius, 191-209 (1991)
- "Israeli Democracy at a Crossroads: A Crisis of Non-Governability," with Yossi Shain,26 (3) Government and Opposition, 345-367 (1991)
- "A Jewish Democracy at War: Attitudes of Jewish Secular Political Parties in Israel towards the Question of War (1948-1988)" ,9 (3) Comparative Strategy, 179-194 (1990)
- "Democratic Regimes During War and Post-War Period: The Case of Israel" ,29 (1-2) International Problems- Society and Politics, 20-36 (1990)
Chapters in Books
- "Courts as Agents of a Social Change?" ,in Is Law Important? 107-125 (Dafna Hacker and Neta Ziv eds.) [Hebrew] (2010)
- " 'Who is a Jew?' Categories, Boundaries, Communities and Citizenship Law in Israel" ,in Boundaries of Jewish Identities 27-42 (Susan Glenn and Naomi Sokoloff eds.) (2010)
- "Merits or Networking? On the Legal Logic and the Struggels against Corruption" ,in Law and Conflicts of Interests 191-206 (Daphne Barak-Eerez, Doron Nevot and Mordechai Kremnitzer eds.) [Hebrew] (2009)
- "The Ambivalent Language of Lawyers in Israel: Liberal Politics, Economic Liberalism, Silence and Dissent" ,in Fighting for Political Freedom: Comparative Studies of the Legal Complex and Political Liberalism 247-279 (Terry C. Halliday, Lucien Karpik, and Malcolm M. Feeley eds.) (2007)
- "The Need for Political Research of Law and Local-Global eligions" ,in Law and Religion 11-27 (Gad Barzilai ed.) (2007)
- "Law and Social Inequality in Israel" ,in Inequality in Israel 274-281 (Uri Ram and Nitza Berkovitz eds.) [Hebrew] (2007)
- "Parliamentarism in Decline: Referenda from a Political Constitutional Perspective" ,in Phantom in Politics: Referenda in Israel 193-206 (Dana Arieli-Horowitz ed.) [Hebrew] (2006)
- "Freedom of Speech and Imaginary Freedom in Cyberspace: On Resurrection of Censorship" with Karine Barzilai-Nahon,3 Law, Society, and Culture 483-512 (Michael Birnhack ed.) [Hebrew] (2006)
- "How Far Do Justices Go: The Limits of Judicial Decisions" ,in Critical Issues in Israeli Society 55-67 (Alan Dowty ed.) (2004)
- "Legal Categorizations and Religion: Politics of Modernity, Faith and Power" ,in Companion to Law and Society 392-409 (Austin Sarat ed.) (2004)
- "Nationalism and a Missed Communalism" ,in 3 Studies in Tel Aviv-Jaffa61-73 (Gila Menachem and David Nachmias eds.) [Hebrew] (2004)
- "Law as a Means to Form 'Patriotism': The Construction of the Desirable Citizen in Democracies" ,in Patriotism 341-362 (Daniel Bar-Tal and Avner Ben-Amos eds.) [Hebrew] (2004)
- "Justices as Policy- Makers" ,in Public Policy in Israel 71-77 (Dani Korn ed.) (2002)
- "Civil Supervision Over the Armed Forces" ,in Chapters of Life: To the Memory of Chaim Avital 85-91 [Hebrew] (2001)
- "A Political and Legal Culture" ,in 2 Trends in Israeli Society 1-100 (Efraim Yuchtman-Yaar and Zeev Shavit eds.) [Hebrew] (2001)
- "Ultra-Orthodox Communities in Israel" ,In Religion, Secularism, and Human Rights - Abstract Book (Jerusalem, The Minerva Center for Human Rights) (2000)
- "Parliamentarianism and Its Opponents: The Politics of Liberal Law" ,in Reflection of a Society - in Memory of Yonathan Shapiro 359-377 (Hanna Herzog ed.) [Hebrew] (2000)
- "The Politics and Legality of Redrawing Israel's Borders: Deconstructing the Policies of Annexation and Withdrawal" with Ilan Peleg,in Rightsizing the State: The Politics of Moving Borders (Ian Lustick ed.) (1998)
- "The Argument of "National Security" in Politics and Jurisprudence" ,in Security Concerns: Insights from the Israeli Experience 243-265 (Daniel Bar-Tal, Dan Jacobson, and Aharon Klieman eds.) (1998)
- "Partisan Leadership and Electoral Laws: The Israel Domain in Context" ,in Palestine, Jordan, Israel: Building a Base for Common Scholarship and Understanding in the New Era of the Middle East 243-257 (1997)
- "An Institutional-Constitutional Change and Political Behavior: The Elections in Tel-Aviv-Jaffa (1993) and Split-Ticket Voting" ,in II Tel Aviv Studies 141-165 (Gila Menachem and David Nachmias eds.) (Hebrew) (1997)
- "Political Institutions and Conflict Resolution: The Israeli Supreme Court and the Peace Process" ,in The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: An Interdisciplinary Perspective 87-106 (Ilan Peleg ed.) (1997)
- "State, Society, and National Security: Mass Communication and Wars" ,in Israel Towards 2000 176-196 (Moshe Lissak and Baruch Knei-Paz eds.) [Hebrew] (1996)
- "Wars and Interruptions in a Democratic Political System" ,in Democracy and National Security (Benjamin Noiberger ed.) [Hebrew] (1996)
- "Territory, State, and Power: The 1992 Elections" ,in Israel at Crossroads: The Challenge of Peace 137-150 (Efraim Karsh and Gregory Mahler eds.) (1994)
- "Israel- 1991" with Eli Rekhess,in XV Middle East Contemporary Survey449-481 (1993)
- "The Political Economy of Military Actions: The United States and Israel" with Bruce Russett,in The Political Economy of Military Spending in the United States 155-181 (Alex Mintz ed.) (1992)
- "State and Society in Israel during the Gulf War" ,in The Gulf Crisis and its Global Aftermath 129-145 (Gad Barzilai, Aharon Klieman and Gil Shidlo eds.) (1992)
- "Under the Veil of Uncertainty" ,in The Gulf Crisis and its Global Aftermath 275-294 (Gad Barzilai, Aharon Klieman and Gil Shidlo eds.) (1992)
- "Israel - 1990" with Eli Rekhess,in XIV Middle East Contemporary Survey424-456 (1992)
- "Israel - 1989" ,in XIII Middle East Contemporary Survey 419-445 (1991)
- "The Political Economy of Israeli Military Actions" with Bruce Russett,in Elections in Israel - 1988 13-35 (Asher Arian and Michal Shamir eds.) (1990)
- "National Security Crisis and Voting Behavior: The Palestinian Uprising in the Territories and the Israeli Elections 1988" ,in Elections in Israel - 1988 65-76 (Asher Arian and Michal Shamir eds.) (1990)
- "The Israeli Political Crisis: Characteristics and Implications" ,in The Political System in Crisis 10-17 (Eli Avrahami ed.) (1990)
- "The Weaknesses of the Israeli Political System" ,in The Israeli Political System 5-42 (Bernard Susser ed.) [Hebrew] (1987)
Edited Books
- Law and Emergencies: A Comparative Overview, with Amnon Reichman, Eli Salzberger and Deborah Shmueli , Minerva Center, University of Haifa (2014)
- Law, Politics, Justice & Society: Israel in a Comparative Context ,27 (2) Israel Law Review (Gad Barzilai ed.) About 350 pp. (Forthcoming) (2012)
- Law and Religion ,In: The International Library of Essays in Law and Society (Gad Barzilai ed., Ashgate) [528 pp.] (2007)
- Freedom of Expression ,13 Politics(Gad Barzilai and Shimon Shetreet eds.) [Hebrew] [125 pp.] (2005)
- Political Violence ,11-12 Politics(Gad Barzilai ed.) [Hebrew] [171 pp.] (2004)
- Human Rights ,10 Politics(Gad Barzilai ed.) [Hebrew] [124 pp.] (2003)
- Law and Politics 8 Israel Journal of Criminal Justice (Gad Barzilai ed.),[Hebrew & abstracts in English] [454 pp.] (1999)
- The Gulf Crisis and Its Global Aftermath (Gad Barzilai, Aharon Klieman and Gil Shidlo eds., London and New York: Routledge), [304 pp.] (1993)
Other Publications
- "Judaism and Humanism" ,19 Jewish Studies Newsletter (University of Washington) (2008)
Other Scientific Publications
- "The Evasive Facets of Litigation as Collective Action" ,Adhala Newsletter[article also published in Arabic and Hebrew] (2005)
Entries in Encyclopedias
- "Cultural Identities" ,Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives (David S. Clark ed.) (2007)
- "Obedience" ,Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives (David S. Clark ed.) (2007)