If we study the life of A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah), we will discover that HIS PROFICIENCY IN VARIOUS SUBJECTS TOTAL OVER FIFTY FOUR BRANCHES OF KNOWLEDGE. Is it possible today, to find an Islamic scholar or even a non-Muslim professor, scientist, educationist or a Nobel Prize owner who possesses such qualifications? Arab Scholars like Sheikh Ismail bin Khalil and Sheikh Musa Ali Shami (radi Allahu anhuma) commended A'la Hadrat (alaihir rahmah) as the Revivalist of the 14th Century A.H.: "IF HE IS CALLED THE REVIVALIST OF THIS CENTURY, IT WILL BE RIGHT AND TRUE."
Commenting on A'la Hadrat's (alaihir rahmah) reputation and his knowledge, Dr Jamil Jalibi, Vice Chancellor, Karachi University (Pakistan) said: "Mawlana Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi was an eminent Jurist, leading scholar, scientist, Naa'tia poet, a keen observer of Shariah and a Saint. His crowning scholarship can be imagined by the fact that he had commanding knowledge of about 54 branches of various sciences and humanities. He has contributed valuable works in almost all of them. He left behind more than a thousand treatises."
Professor Dr Wahid Ashraf, Baroda University, in Baroda said: "There is no shortage of renowned personalities in the history of Islam who made rich contributions to various fields of knowledge through their divine-gifted qualities of learning, wisdom and insight. Ibn Sina, Umar Khayyam, Imam Razi, Imam Ghazzali, Al Beruni, Farabi and Ibn Rushd are a few rich names that shall always be remembered with pride. Among them, someone is renowned for Philosophy and Medicine, some other famous for Mathematics, another in Astrology, yet another is known for Moral Philosophy. Someone is an expert in Greek Thoughts, etc., BUT THE MOST OUTSTANDING PERSONALITY WAS BORN IN INDIA AND PASSED AWAY IN THE PRESENT CENTURY. HE WAS AHMED RAZA BAREILVI WHO ENJOYED SUCH A COMMAND IN VARIOUS BRANCHES OF KNOWLEDGE THAT ONLY EXPERTS OF THE SPECIAL FACULTY CAN DISCUSS FULLY AND SUCCESSFULLY."