PSP game on android phone? For Real!?

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You just read it right!

You can play PSP game on your android phone and the application you need is absolutely free!

Think of this you wanted to play PSP on your way to job while you are at the bus instead carrying your PSP Console, you have your Android phone and when you have plenty of time you can play it without your purely strict Boss or your office mates realize that you are playing a game not texting right?

All you need to have is get a copy of your original copy of game and you can legally play the game on your phone.

You can have the application on Google Playstore or you can visit there Official Website

All I`m going to tell you about on this blog is how or what you need to know to play the psp games smoothly on your devices.

First you need to have a enough Clock speed CPU in your phones {It`s better to have at least a quadcore phone with a clock speed of 1.3 GHz to make the emulation faster)

Second thing is you need to know its function of speeding it up

most importantly is checking the vertex cache and multithread feature this really boost up the speed of the game you will get less lag or shattered sound while playing...

Third thing is to control the frames and you can do that by changing the frameskips.

You can make it to 1 to 5 but making the frame skip higher makes the game more hard look...

1 or 2 is better 

that it! you can now play PSP Game smoother but you should always look after your schedule or your responsibilities on your work or else... you know what will happen if you forget your task!

Well thanks again for reading my blog and I hope your having good time with it!


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