Pureed potatoes, Menu Mandatory When Diet

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Pureed potatoes, mandatory menu when dieting - In the diet, a lot of restrictions that must be followed. Misakan course, should not eat foods that contain lots of calories, carbohydrates and so on. However, if you can not eat food containing karobohidart then you will definitely feel hungry faster, which ended up going to eat a snack on if you can not control it. Naum interrupted - between that issue, there is a cheap and readily available vegetable is present as a solution, the vegetable is potato.

Potatoes are one source of calories and carbohydrates. However, although the source of carbohydrates and calories, the potato is not the cause of the increase of fat in your body. Precisely, by consuming potatoes regularly can reduce your weight. You will definitely confused as to why the potatoes can lower body berta when potatoes are one source of carbohydrate.




Although potatoes are a source of carbohydrates and calories, but sugar in the potato is very low, lower than rice sugar levels. That's why, potatoes do not make obesity. Low levels of gul is also safe to consume for those with diabetes mellitus (diabetes). Here are some remarks an expert associated with the potato as one of the food diet.

"Losing weight is not only related to reducing certain foods or even stop eating certain foods. But also reduce the intake of calories into the body ", said Britt Burton-Freeman, one of the teachers at the University of California. "There is no evidence to suggest that the potato can increase the accumulation of fat and cause obesity if processed in the right way. It actually helps a diet program that is run "said Britt. Britt utterance is directly stated that the potato is very beneficial to your diet if processed in the right way. To test mannfaat potatoes, researchers University of California conducted a study.

Research conducted on 86 people suffering from obesity (excess weight), be it women or men - men. In the study they were told to diet with potatoes for approximately 12 weeks by eating 5-7 servings of potatoes in each week, and during the 12 weeks that they also measured tingat glycemic index. Potatoes are their own consumption is a medium potato with perbuahnya 110 calories. From the research, it was found that sufficient weight loss is quite high in those who are obese.

Another function of this kenttang as diet foods, potato you can also use as an ingredient in your skin care. Dbermanfaat potato unntuk cleaning Kulti of stubborn stains and combat premature aging.

For its own way of processing, you can cultivate yourself with steamed potatoes or buy ready-made preparations, such as chips or pulp. However, I suggest to process into porridge, why? Because the process menjdai slurry, meaning tips to avoid oil which is a source of fat. What is certain processing you have to do it right so that maximum results for your diet.

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Hello,my name is Gungputri I love to learn some thing new in my life to get more experiences

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