Qatar World Cup officials reject financial accusations

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According to the Daily Telegraph, Jack Warner, the former FIFA vice-president and his family has received over a million pounds from a company owned by Mohammed bin Hammam, a former member of the FIFA Executive Committee.

Qatar World Cup organizing committee in response to the release of the report emphasized that they comply with all relevant legislations of the World Cup and another part of the statement says: "the Committee on the accusations of the economic relations between the two persons has no legal force.”

Mr. Bin Hammam, was for many years one of the most influential figures of FIFA But, in 2012 the FIFA Executive Committee due to his "conflict of interest" in his AFC chairmanship was ban lifetime from any football-related activity.

Officials said the nomination committee for the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup followed by rules that heavily related to ethical issues.

If that is right this will be administrative corruptions in FIFA personnel and it will harm legitimacy of FIFA 2022 Qatar world cup and people of the world will not trust to the result of these competitions.    


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Esteqlal is the number 2 in the Premier League in Kabul. Esteqlal trains at the Ghazi stadium. The coach, Zaher Hasani, is a trainer for the national team and a committee member of Tolo TV, responsible for selecting the best player. 10 players from Esteqlal are selected by TV Tolo…

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