Quality Above Quantity, the New Film Annex Buzz Score and Revenue Sharing System

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Quality is the key to good life and success. Just like you expect great quality in the food you eat and the air you breathe, you should expect great quality in the audience and clientele of your website or social initiatives. In the last few months, the online advertising industry has developed new tools to monitor the quality of the users and specific demographic information to match advertisers' expectations. Here at Film Annex, we decided to elevate the concept of quality audience and content to the next level by changing the philosophy of revenue sharing from quantity of eye balls to quality of the user and content provider.



Film Annex is an online film platform that shares its revenues with the filmmakers, bloggers and viewers. It is a very different approach from social media networks like Facebook that don't share revenues! Check the Film Annex Picks section to understand the concept.



The new BuzzScore will be implemented next week. The new model will facilitate the redistribution of Film Annex's revenues amongst its users. Every user will get paid based on their BuzzScore. Consequently, their social media reach and influence will matter more than the number of people watching or reading their content. In essence, the most influential users will be paid with greater revenues. The BuzzScore is a complex algorithm that combines a:

Each user can monitor her/his performance and the weight of each component from her/his "My Page" on Film Annex. The higher the BuzzScore, the higher the revenue attributed to the user.


This new methodology will be an incentive for filmmakers, fans, viewers and students to get active on social media and increase their social media BuzzScore. It is very different from the concept of direct advertising and promotion whose only intention is to drive traffic to a webpage and generate advertising revenue, regardless of the quality of the viewer and content provider.


This project works along with the philanthropic initiatives of Women's Annex and the Examer Vocational and Educational Software, I invite you to read more at my article "Vocational Education for Social Media, Sustainable Business and Education".

Francesco Rulli

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bitLanders is a digital platform whose entire user base earns bitcoin for their content and social activity. The goal of bitLanders is to promote worldwide access to the genius of Blockchain technology in a fun, unique, and safe environment. bitLanders users build and engage content (videos, blogs, photos, advertisements). The…

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