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Loving traditional culture

         There are many kinds of Indonesian culture start from dance, cloth, language, and others

  1. Is culture important for us? Tell the reason
  2. How to built culture?
  3. How to respect our culture?

4 What do you say about Indonesian program     Visit  tourism place 2013?

Admire   : Mengagumi   Admit         :Mengakui

Fainted   : Terkikis        Language   :Bahasa

Keep       : Menjaga       Steal            :Mencuri

Carry away: Merampas   Ethnic        : Khas              

Interesting: Menarik

Respect:                 :Menghindari  

Keep away             :Menghindarkan

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I am a simple person who wanna be the great person by always studying and studying everything to be better than before.

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