Quran is a holy book of Muslims religion. Quran discusses about various topics but we will discuss about Quranic information on science. Quran gives us detailed information about science. When we read Quran to search scientific information in Quran, we find that this book touches every little topic of science. Now we examine Quran to find scientific topic in Quran one by one.
1) The light of Moon is reflected
Quran tells us about this topic very clearly that Moon has not own light but it reflects from sun, Quran had told this information when any scientist had not any little information about it.
The Sun Rotates
2) In this verse Quran discusses about a very important topic that every heavenly body is swimming in own orbit.
The Sun will extinguish after a certain period
Science cannot tell us about this topic because this topic is out of range from scientific studies but Quran discusses this topic in certain manner. Quranic verse says ………
4) The expanding Universe
Quran had told about this topic but science recently discussed about it.
The water Cycle
In Quran we find various verses which discuss this knowledge. But here I code only three verses from Quran.
Winds impregnate the clouds.
Geography in Quran
Mountain is like pegs
This verse shares knowledge that when this earth was made that time it was moving, it was not able to residence human being but Allah has created mountain as a peg for earth.
Oceanology in Quran
Barrier between sweet and salt water
It is a great reality which in being discovered by scientists today but Quran had told us before a hundred years ago of this discovery.
When the water from one sea enters the other sea, it loses its distance and becomes homogenized with the water. In a way this barrier as a transition al homogenizing area
Darkness in the depth of the Oceans.
Below a depth of 1000 meters there is compete darkness
Biology in Quran
Every living thing is made of water
The basic substance of gell is made of 80 % water. Modern research has also revealed that most of organism 50 to 90 % water.
Plants created in pairs.
Plants in this world are created in pairs, Male and Female.
Everything in this world made in pairs.
And all things we created two mates. This point was discussed at two places in Quran.
Zoology in Quran
Animals and Birds live in Communities
The flight of Birds
Due to the force of gravity all bodies in air eventually fall to earth but in this verse Allah almighty tell us that he is who has stopped in air.
The bee
Von-Frisch received a noble price 1976 for his research on the behavior of Bee.
Spider’s web
About the home of spiders, information is given in this verse.
Honey has healing properties
Blood circulation and the production of milk. Quran was revealed before the 600 years ago from the Muslims scientist Ibn-e-Nafees and 1000 years ago before the William Harvey.
Man is created from Alaqa, a leech like substance.
It is very first stage of human creation according to scientists who told us about human creation .
Human being created from nutfah. (Quintessence of liquid) 75:37
Man is created from nutfatun amshag
Sex determination
Sex is determined according to Quran from mails
Fetus protected by three veils of darkness
1- The abdominal wall,
2- The uterine wall, and
3- The amsac. niotic
Embryo partly formed and partly unformed
Sense of hearing and sight
The scientific proves of the Quran are clearly evidence that this is a divine book.