Having relatives as Facebook friends is a recipe for a bit of embarrassment
MANILA, Philippines – Have you ever had that "Oh God why" moment of embarrassment because of your relatives?
When older relatives decided to give Facebook a go, we all knew to expect more than the occasional oddball questions from them. That dreaded feeling of impending online humiliation slowly crept over each person as he or she clicked "accept" on each relative's friend request.
Here are the 5 most "popular" relatives you're likely to come across on Facebook:

Tita Kamusta
They're the relatives who never seem to send enough regards through other mediums, and take to Facebook to show they haven't forgotten about you...unfortunately.
They go from frequently messaging you to "tell your parents this" or "tell your brother that," to selecting the most unrelated post – say, your new profile picture – to share such sentiments...and, no, you can't just ignore them.
It's nice to know that someone from possibly oceans away is concerned about your well-being but maybe they could just stick to the occasional LIKE next time?

Tatay Taga-Payo
Older relatives love dishing out advice to the young 'uns, and we can't blame them. They've lived their fair share of ups and downs so – naturally – their instinct would be to help their offspring out.
Their timing however could be improved. There are times when you're already running late to a meet-up with your friends and that's the moment they decide to break out (once again) with the "fix your bed for a brighter future" lecture.
The Internet provided a safe escape from such instances before, but when the concerned parent discovered how to post on your wall, it was back to square one.

Tito Spammer
Chain letters are so 2002...and, well, so is that relative who just loves sending them to everyone they know.
Be it in the form of a Facebook message you'd have to copy and paste – complete with "if I receive this back from you I'll be very touched" – or a chain post that says "share if you love JESUS, scroll down if you love the DEVIL," these relatives leave nothing to chance.
We can't blame them for their optimism and it feels good knowing that they cared enough about you to slip a message into your inbox, but it makes you wonder if any of the 5 messages they've already sent you ever worked.

Proud Papa
For all their incessant nagging and worrying, you can't deny that your relatives are proud of you. Behind your back, your accomplishments are what they mostly talk about with their friends.
It's a great feeling when they hold you up on a pedestal like that, but not so much when they do it in front of you – even worse when they do it in front of your friends.
What takes the cake may be when they do it online: they comment on a random photo or a post – no matter how unrelated; no matter who else is tagged – about how you are the best *insert embarrassing nickname here* anyone could possibly hope to have.

Mama Memorabilia
Perhaps the mother of all embarrassing things that could happen to you on Facebook is when your own flesh and blood betrays your hard-earned street cred by sharing a photo that is way beyond hope.
These are the photos from your childhood – or even ones taken recently without your knowledge (like an awful sleeping shot) – that your relatives just can't wait to show all their friends online.
They don't seem to understand that when you've just added your crush up on Facebook, the last thing you'd want them to post is a photo of you learning to use the toilet when you were too young to tell mom to put the camera away.
There are more types of relatives to be found lurking in the corners of Facebook. The aunt who loves to pose in too-tight apparel, the cousin who is obsessed with celebrity gossip, the mom who asks you to message her friends for her because she doesn't know how, etc.
Despite all the facepalm embarrassment that comes with the territory of having older relatives as Facebook friends, we know they only do these things because they love us...and we love them back!
SOURCE: RAPPLER: The 5 relatives you meet on Facebook by Nile Villa