Reason of Un-employment

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The foremost problem world is facing unemployment. The ration of unemployment is increasing rapidly due to lack of sources/resources when these situation occur then crime take birth. Pakistan currently penalty of problems this is one of them. Pakistan has blessed numerous natural resources but these resources are wasted due to lack of management. The people of Pakistan is considered highly talented and hardworking in the world and there is no value of talent in Pakistan therefore, it is the reason many, doctor, engineer, scientist, traveled to foreign for earn their livelihood.


As our title describe un-employment cause and solution below are reason of unemployment.

Growth of Population:

Major problem of un-employment in Pakistan is uncontrolled growth of population. According to statistic report there is high rate of population in Pakistan but there are several reason which like, early marriage, illeratecy, son desire, etc. these rapidly growth my called un-employment.

Poor Education System: 

The education system of Pakistan is very poor since independence. Our government not take special steps to increase the education awareness, only open school colleges, universities. Currently many private college sale degrees to student. When these type of system take place how we change our country system. Therefore people are wondering about their jobs.

Energy Crises

Dear friend could you believe country which is fully of natural resources are in downfall of energy. There is need of proper planning and management to resolve the issue. Our government is unable to provide electricity to household individual how they provide to factory. Therefore factory or industry required energy or electricity to run their business when they are stopped their working how owner of factory pay salary to staff they downsizing the employee these called un-employment.


Solution of Un-employment in Pakistan:

The education system of Pakistan should be equally treated.

Remove energy crises so that investor come to invest in Pakistan.

There should be peaceful atmosphere in Pakistan so foreigner no feel hesitation to invest in Pakistan.

Agriculture sector should be developed

Encourage multinational company to invest in Pakistan 

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