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I've been writing about contentment, happiness, love, relationships, humility and all other human emotions that is relatively affecting our daily lives. But what if there is a way to have all these put in a neutral state. That means there is no gravity, like no too much pain, lesser happy nor extremely happy just put it in a constant level. Is that possible? I don't think so. Because everything that happen to us corresponds to a gravity of emotion base on our principle and emotional IQ. I come to think of this because I just read something online saying i"it is not the heart who creates emotion, it is our brain who provide information to our heart and the heart responds to that information which releases chemicals from our body that creates emotion. This sounds technical but what is important is not the way we think but how we should feel. Most of the time our minds tells us that we could face bad consequences if we decide and continue to love a certain person. But since this person is bringing us joy and extreme happiness. We'd rather face the consequences. A human thing right?

Are we programmed to react this way when it comes to emotion? Or we just want to be happy regardless of circumstances it may bring. For the past 23 years of dealing with feelings, I realized that it should not be that way, we just have to switch our heart and brain to a same frequency in order to control emotion. For instance if we are already married with kids and there came that moment that we need to face temptation. We just have to think what will happen if we pursue and entertain temptation. What would be the consequences? Think of the ones that is making you happy right now like your children if not your wife. What would happen to your children, how would they feel if they found out that you are loving someone aside from their Mom? 

To make the story short, Love not because you will be happy with them rather Love because you are happy to know that you are making them happy with you. We have given this life a billion years ago, we should know now what to do with it. Love unconditionally that is the purpose why we are living.

About the author


A 38 year old blogger who just discovered his given ability to express his emotion thru words.

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