Remembering the dead doctor for the life of humanity

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This day 11 years ago, the whole world panic because of the SARS epidemic. The doctor Carlo Urbani (Italian) came to Vietnam, devoted mind and strength, wisdom to repel disease that threatens global survival.

On 29/03/2003, Dr. Carlo last breath. Speaking about his departure, the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan as it is written: Carlo mourn the departure of the infinite joy of the UN family. He has devoted his life to the cause of protecting the health and survival of patients. Carlo who was instrumental in the early detection of SARS. Ironically, when Carlo is trying to grab each patient from death scythe is the vicious disease that has claimed the lives of his ... "
Ms Pascale Brudon, representing the World Health Organization (WHO) in Vietnam stressed: "Carlo is a great man, without him maybe we were all devastated SARS".

Carlo Urbani - the first to identify severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

On 02/26/2003, Dr. Carlo Urbani was invited to Vietnam France Hospital (Hanoi) to care for a patient with pneumonia. He soon realized the anomaly and immediately alert the WHO, and the Vietnam Ministry of Health to promote the establishment insulating barriers to prevent the spread of disease.

Services originating from Hong Kong, but at that time the medical professionals are suspected of bird flu. In just a short time, SARS beyond borders Hong Kong spread to 37 countries. The rapid infection of respiratory failure, multiple organ failure and death. After receiving the warning of Dr. Carlo from Vietnam, covering panic world. In countries with SARS, medical masks bestseller, schools are closed, restaurants closed, the empty shopping center hoe, production stalled, foreigners leave the country ...

Carlo doctor also warned of the danger, he was absolutely right and reason to return home. But Carlo does not mind, he often standing by his bedside, comforting and encouraging to find a cure for the patient. As an infectious disease specialist, with his first studies in Vietnam, Carlo helped colleagues to quickly identify the virus.

Medical journal The Lancet wrote reputation: Knowing that my work is doing is dangerous, but Carlo Urbani said to her, "If this does not do the job we came here to do? Was reading e-mail, signed the papers and go to the party? We must not be selfish, but to think and act in the lives of others. "

3/2003 mid Dr. Carlo to attend scientific meetings in Thailand. Just arrived at the airport, he saw the fatigue and fever. As a direct contact and deal with SARS, Carlo understand very clearly what was coming to her. A colleague of his best friends rushed to hug. But Carlo dismissed, asking people to stay away from you, then he patiently waiting ambulance.

She put the child Giuliani Chiorrini to Bangkok, through the glass door, Carlo up last look at his wife and children, including the youngest child who turns 4 years old.

In a sober moment, Carlo colleague informs his fever down. But Carlo was under no illusions, he said SARS was no excuse for his life. Wish before we die, Carlo doctors recommend cutting your lungs to do the research objectives. And he fulfilled: "The work related to me, though dangerous, but I feel comfortable, now I've got everything."

After Carlo takes 2 weeks, Corona virus was present only to name, the SARS epidemic under control.

"The task of the doctor is to the patient"

It is a simple statement of Dr. Carlo when he represented the Organization Doctor Without Borders to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Stockholm (Sweden) 1999 This statement has become the philosophy for all employees medical staff are wearing their white robes.

Doctor Carlo is a lover of beauty, he devoted a special affection for the music, the most popular art form. But in the depths of the heart, Dr. Carlo also has a great love another: that is boundless love for man. Dr. Carlo's youth association with charity work, especially those who are physically disabled. When you become a doctor, the summer vacation instead of traveling enjoyment, Carlo enlist a backpack full of drugs to Africa.

He found that, in poor countries like Africa, the main cause of death from the disease can be completely cured in a simple way. He disappointed when seeing patients not dying of strange diseases, but died of common diseases such as acute diarrhea or pneumonia, because no one is bringing medicines to patients.

After struggling for days, Carlo decided to relocate the hospital to become an expert of the World Health Organization to bring medicines to poor patients. Friends consider joining Carlo WHO doctors like him to give life to return wealth to the world's poor.

During his time in Vietnam, Dr. Carlo focus research and treatment of roundworm, a disease becomes an obsession with him. Carlo always wondered: just a few thousand of drugs, drink 2 times a year is all sick children are all worms, body worn, so why so few people have to do? Carlo's colleague, Dr. Palmer commented: "Roundworm nothing attractive, but most children are suffering from the tropics, while Dr. Carlo's opponents roundworm extremists".

In Hanoi, Dr Carlo motorcyclists themselves. Sometimes he brought his wife and children in the village, farmers living along the hands and feet are covered mud.

His memory, Azeglio Ciampi President said Italy: World Health Sector has a duty to remember the heroic doctor, a courageous citizen, a family father, an exemplary husband were robbed away by a terrible disease by the time he was the cause ...

About the author


i was born 1990 in ha noi, vietnam!

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