Silicon Valley is a comedy series from Amazon's Original Series franchise. The show features a group of technopreneurs in their quest for fame, glory, and riches!
Contrary to what your impression might be after seeing the title, the show does not really require you to be familiar with computers. Although the characters talk a lot about developing modern technology, everything is done in a way that everyone understands. And you won't be bothering trying to understand their tech speak anyway since you will be too busy laughing.
The producers of the show really mined gold with their cast. The chemistry of all these comedians are perfect for the series. There are a lot of new comedy series that came out this year but this one is probably the best. It's so good that they have to renew it for a second season due to high rating and feedback.
What makes the series good is the way the story was told could easily relate to our current society. Whether it is from people struggling online or offline. Anyway I would write a thousand words but I'll let you guys experience it for yourselves so go grab a copy now!