Road safety(3)

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Now a days many of us use our cell phones  while driving our vehicles.This is also very dangerous because all our concentration is converted from driving to our phone.We should try to avoid these things while driving .if the message /call is very important then we should stop our vehicle and then reply to the call/message.this will take some time but it will save us from any bad situation.

The safety on the roads is not only the responsibility of the  people who are driving but it is also the responsibility of the pedistrians to follow the rules.We all daily cross the roads by foot .Many of us cross the road by running from one side to other , it is also very dangerous because it confuse the drivers on the roads.We should try to cross the road from the zebra crossing when the trafiic light turns red.If there is no traffic signal or zebra crossing then we should wait for the right gap and then cross the road .it will be safe for you and also for the other people on the road.

All these little things have a great impact on our daily lives because one accident not only hurt you but it also hurt your family.We all should try to drive safe, this will also keep our road environment safe.

 We should try to respect the traffic wardens  because they are the main reason for our controlled traffic. Many people misbehave with them which is not he good habit.if they stop you then you must stop.

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