"Bitlanders Buzz Score Trend"
It took me a while to get back to drafting this new blog. It makes total sense because in the past few days, a week or two prior to this, I have a huge, continuous decline in my buzz score and thus my revenue. I also fell off from the leader board for several days. Having those will make posting this blog a big fat nonsense. Am I right?
However, fortunately, this week (or I think since last week), I have since been able to maintain my buzz score at a good spot, though almost in the last row, in the leader board after submitting my latest blog "ALL ABOUT CHRIS PINE: ALL THE FAN-MADE THREADS/ACCOUNTS DEDICATED TO CHRIS PINE FROM HIS DEAR PINE NUTS" (my most favorite thing I made here in Bitlanders together with "Star Trek Beyond And Why You Should See It?" which I spent 20 gems for) which got a 4-star rating from Ms. Hillary Summers. Having that, I think I am somehow in the position to share some tips on how I am able to heighten up my buzz score and revenue plus maintain it so it does not fluctuate from time to time.
"Bitlanders All-Time Revenue Trend"
Now, if you're that bitlanders member who spends a huge huge amount of time in the site and yet cannot even barely get 5- or 6-digit bitmiles revenue, you'd love to take a look at this blog post.
Get a pen a piece of paper if you're interested to heighten your buzz score plus your revenue and have a chance to be in the leader board.
Let me enumerate first the tips I would be sharing with you and then explain or discuss them one by one. Important note: you don't have to do every pointer I would be providing here. Take a look and decide what you'd prefer to be doing for your own good. Here they are:
1. Submit Content for Review
2. Promote Content
3. Share Content using Social Media
4. Accomplish Daily Quests
6. Take Survey Chat
7. Read Featured Content
8. Like Featured Charity Donations
"Submit Content for Review and Get Rated"
#1: Submit Content for Review (costs 10 gems)
Most of us might be familiar most with microblogs. By that, I meant what we mostly go for as to posting contents are microblogs. That is okay, to begin with. However, as how I see it, it does not have any large effect on your buzz score. With other factors being well, you might heighten your buzz score by 1 point. But that's it.
Now with that, I am suggesting you do this tip no.1 -- SUBMIT CONTENT FOR REVIEW! Basically, you still submit microblogs daily if you want but you should post the other forms of content namely Blog, Gallery or Movie. Now the trick does not lie only by posting these contents but by SUBMITTING THESE CONTENTS FOR REVIEW. That is why I have to put emphasis on those words in the beginning.
"Blog Submitted for Review Already Rated"
Why is there a need to have your contents up for review? Simply because you want them to get rated, earn bonus buzz, and have Ms. Hillary Summers send them to other members for viewing without you having the need to promote it to others yourself.
Yes, after your contents get reviewed and rated, Ms. Hillary "passes it around to others" so it can get a good viewership. Isn't that cool?
Not convinced yet? Okay, I forgot to include that once your content gets reviewed and rated, your base buzz automatically skyrockets... high enough, like probably by 10 or even up to 20 points? *winks*
I wish I have convinced you enough. Now, let's take a quick look at these other forms of content I am talking about and discuss probably some important tips I got to know from my own experience and also by observing other members' works.
"Some of my Rated Blogs"
This is not so difficult for those who had been in other online writing platforms or freelance writing jobs before. Although there are no specific rules regarding its length, format and so on, the things I have come to observe are these important points:
-Do not write too short blogs. I tend to write blogs at around a thousand word count. Although I'm pretty sure you can write below that word count, there is a high probability you'd receive lower star rating.
-Do not plagiarize. It is prohibited, and your account might even get suspended. Goodbye, Bitlanders.
-Write quality content. Not strictness as to perfect grammar but make sure everything is understandable.
-Provide good quality and relevant images and videos with citation to avoid copyright issues. If you have your own images and videos to use, that'd be better.
-Write appropriate and accurate tags. (*I haven't mastered this enough, that's why I only get 4-star ratings so far)
"Jean's Rated Galleries" - (With her permission)
I honestly haven't submitted a gallery (and even a movie) up for review, so this could probably be not as accurate. But according to what I have observed from other members' works, the things I have noticed that could be considered are:
-Make sure all photos included are of great quality.
-Write appropriate and catchy captions for every photo.
-Include many photos. I don't know how many though, but I have seen one's galleries containing about 50 photos. Yeah, so many.

"One of Jean's Rated Movies"
As I have said I haven't submitted a movie yet. These are the pointers I have observed from other's works:
-Make sure the video is of great quality.
-Write a good movie description with appropriate tags.
-Make sure there is audio of great quality.
#2: Promote Content (costs 10 gems)
I have only tried promoting my content (my blog: STAR TREK BEYOND AND WHY YOU SHOULD SEE IT?) for the sake of seeing results. I'm glad it worked well too in gaining viewership for my content. As promised, my blog was passed to 500 members which meant when they open their bitlanders homepage, they'd be seeing my blogpost either firsthand in the left or in the right just beside a featured blog. Although there's no absolute rule that commands these members to view my blogpost, still, it heightens chances of them being enticed to open it.
I'd still suggest tip #1 over this though.
#3: Share Content using Social Media
Honestly, I haven't tried sharing my blogposts or any other content I have here in my social media. I only have Facebook and Twitter but I use them for my personal reasons. And though it might sound ridiculous, I'd like to keep what's in my bitlanders page only here in bitlanders. I haven't disclosed my true identity here as well. Very well explains my username. Bleh! *sticks out tongue*
But seriously, I have seen a lot of members here too who chose not to disclose their true identity. I don't see anything wrong with that. Anyway, as with sharing content in social media sites, though I might not have any direct experience with it, it just works logically that when you put your contents up in either your Facebook page, or your Twitter page, or elsewhere, as long as you have friends who might take their time to look at what you're posting, then you'll gain viewership.
#4: Accomplish Daily Quests
I need not explain this one that long. We all know that by accomplishing those daily quests boxed and located at the slightly top right part of your screen will give you buzz bonus for the day. Having that, IT IS A MUST to accomplish these daily quests -- read 5 blogposts (which rewards +1 buzz), watch 5 movies (which rewards +3 buzz), and invite a friend to Bitlanders (also rewards +3 buzz). Although, for my part, I am only able to accomplish two out of three. I only had invited one member who also unfortunately happens to be inactive. *laughs out loud*
"Complete Daily Quests and Get + Buzz!"
#5: Visit other's works (aka INTERACT)
Have you heard of this one? Interact. Yeah, that may sound really familiar to you especially if you came from that old online writing site which used to be a really awesome place before it completely shut down. Well, amazingly, interacting with other members (through their works, of course) might also be the key here in Bitlanders.
This is something I have since ignored and trust me, I have been submitting contents up for review, posting other contents such as microblogs and movies, but my buzz score still fluctuates... no, I mean really falls continuously in drastic pace. And this one, interaction, was something I missed. My main form of interaction was completing daily quests alone.
"Interact with Other Members in Bitlanders"
However, when I started getting active with visiting other members' profiles, checking out their works, it helped a lot! Now before you question if it increases my buzz score, the answer is "somehow". It does increase my buzz score sometimes by one notch or two, and that's it. Only one or two points? Why should I even bother then? Hmm. The answer in "maintain". YES, MAINTAIN. I interact not solely for the purpose of wanting to increase my buzz score but to maintain my buzz score at its current position. Without interaction, and I speak this from my experience, even after having my contents reviewed, posting other contents and completing daily quests, my buzz score eventually decreases. That is how important interaction to me. And what can I say? It could also be the same for you!
Here are two other ways to earn a bit more of bitmiles here in Bitlanders. I say "a bit" because it won't really make you rich in bitlanders. But hey, bonus bitmiles are still fine, right?
#6: Take Survey Chat
I found out about survey chat first thing when I joined because my first blogpost that I submitted for review was about survey chat before. The interesting part about it is that you answer cool questions from our bitlanders administration while being rewarded with bitmiles which vary in amount. The important thing is that it rewards bitmiles. It might take longer than what you would expect as one survey chat session includes a series of questions. But don't worry, it's nothing similar in length of those online paid surveys, if you're familiar with them.
"Survey Chat with Bitlanders"
#7: Read Featured Content
Featured contents are those contents (blogpost, movie, or gallery) which were submitted for review and got a five-star ratings from Ms. Hillary. She passes featured contents around members and these contents appear firsthand in a member's homepage for viewing. From time to time, everyday, featured contents change depending on whether they are already opened or viewed.
Once opened, members can see a small treasure box which bubble-shouts "open me!" Click on that! It will give you 10 bitmiles when opened which will be added to your revenue. Aside from that, it also automatically donates another 10 bitmiles to one charity foundation.
#8: Like Featured Charity Donations
Featured donations are those posts containing announcement-like format of a donation made by a member. These posts, when liked (or when you click on that "heart" symbol), will give you 5 bitmiles. It also works the same way as to featured contents that the same amount of bitmiles is also automatically donated to a charity foundation.
In my case, I always have a lot of these featured charity donations up in my homepage from time to time, and I do click on them every time. 5 bitmiles just a click away is cool. It won't take up so much of your time!
"Several Featured Donations from Fellow Bitlanders Members"