Role of Education, Science and Technology in Developing Countries

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I often feel the social and economic difference between the developing countries and the developed countries. There is a great difference between the national, social, economic, cultural and geographical and political elements of developing and developed countries. According to my mind this difference is due to the difference in technological and scientific infrastructure of countries. The scientific and technological infrastructures play the role as the back bone in the development of a country.


Government of some developing countries think that they waste their economics in the field of education, science and technology and they prefer to construct the huge buildings and plaza and motorway but they didn’t know that according to the modern needs of development these things have no value. Although these things have great importance in the development of a country but in actual, these things are in the second step in the development of a country. If they are rich in the field of science and technology then they can do everything. I may be wrong but I think so, and decided to share with you through film annex because film annex is the only plate form in my through which I share my feelings to the different people and also with my friends.


So I simply want to declare the message that there is a great role of education, science and technology in the development of a country and if we have the good teachers, professors, engineers, doctors, chemists and highly skilled and hardworking people then our developing countries will become developed and developed countries like united states have to support the developing countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.


The united states have to help the developing countries in the field of education, science and technology by providing the scientific instruments which help in education of science and technology. They also have to support economically in the field of education because in developing countries the condition of education is so worst and I think first we have to change the condition of education for the development.

Written and composed by:

Abid Rafique ( )

About the author


Im Abid Rafique student of BS(hons) in chemistry and and now i m writer at film annex. I belong to pakistan.

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