Saba con Yelo

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  • 5 pcs Saba metallic element saging, sliced diagonally (vertically, crosswise or in a circle, whichever you prefer)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 cups of water
  • ¼ cup of recent milk
  • 1 ½ of crushed ice

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Foremost, create sweet plantains. To do so, place Saba metallic elementsaging, water and sugar in an exceedingly pot.
  2. Boil in low heat, permitting the Saba to be grilled and also the sugar to caramelized.
  3. Constant stirring is required to forestall sugar from obtaining burnt. after you already achieved a thicker caramel, place the fireplace off, take away the sweet plantains from the pot and place it in an exceedingly platter.
  4. Place items of sweet Saba in an exceedingly separate serving bowl then put crushed ice and layer it with another set of ‘minatamis metallicelement saging’.
  5. Pour recent milk. Serve and enjoy!

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