Science Gifted by God to Devotees

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  • Pharmacy in a chip:

Imagine a drugstore that fits on a dime;that's one potential application for controlled release micro-chip invented.

Made in much the same way as computer chips, the prototype "pharmacy" contain 34 reservoirs, each the size of a penprich and capable of holding about 25 nano liters of chemical. on the front side of the dime size microchip, the reservoirs are covered with tiny gold caps.on the reverse side, the reservoir have large openings that are sealed with a waterproof material after chemical are added.The entire chip is bathed in salt solution.

To release one of the prescription drug from one of the reservoirs, a small voltage, is applied between the gold cap and one of the three gold bars on the microchip inside is released.

Implanted under the skin, such a chip could be programmed to release precise amounts of drugs at prescribed times.

  • Biotechnology going to solve baldness of men:

Some men will try almost anything to get their hair  back.Com-overs, hair waves, ointments, and even hair transplant. But a more natural looking solution to baldness may in near future result from work underway at the Howard Medical institute.

Normally you cannot grow new hair follicles, the skin cell that sprout hairs. You are born with all the follicles you will ever have, and when they die, they are not replaced. But researchers have discovered a way to induce the formation new follicles genetically in adult mice.The researchers genetically engineer the mice to produce a stabilized form of protein called beta cantenin in their skin. The beta cantenin reacts with a protein called Lef-1, which normally plays a role in follicle formation only during embryonic growth. Together the two proteins trigger a process that causes some adult skin cells to become follicles.

There are several problems still to be solved, before the technique can be tested on human.

When the problem is worked out, the new technique could help spur hair growth in animals as well as human for example, to make woollier sheep. And it could suggest new ways to prevent unwanted hair growth.

  • Computers that Read Your Face:

It may be many years before computers can read our minds, if ever, but they may soon be able to read our faces and get some clues as to what we are thinking.

At university of Pittsburgh the researchers have created a system that helps computers look at our faces and factor in our moods and emotions.

The Automated face Analyses system uses a Camera and sophisticated software to attempt to recognize human expressions, such as furrowed brow or smile. and deduce some meaning from them.The multistage process focuses on "feature points" such as the comers of lips and eyes, as well as areas in between, and compares them to the permanent characteristics (like wrinkles) of a subjects face.Reading 30 frames of video a second, the computer generates a quantitative data for each frame, corrects the data to reflect the changing position of the subject's head, and applies standard techniques for classifying patterns and analyzing speech.

Unlike existing facial recording systems, used mainly for clinical or scientific research automated face analysis does its work automatically Among the many potential users, video speech recognition and lie detection system are worth mentioning.


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