Scientific evidence shows that the best is Forever Alone

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Certainly not you surprised at the benefits of FA scientists have pointed out below.

Certainly none of us wishes to be immersed in love, but the truth is, there are people who have not been fortunate to find and meet the right guy, "white horse prince" of her. 


You do not limp when the goddess of love not by a single knocking nothing is bad, it even gives you the incredible benefits of health, psychological, financial ...


The list below will prevent you from surprise and who knows, after reading this article, you will shout that " FA is the best ".


1. Possessing good shape, sexy


Results of a study in England showed, 62% of the average increase 6kg new love. The main reason is the revelry, "makeshift" the night of the person, accompanied by proof inactive also increases.

Single people tend to move more to become more attractive and attract the enemy. The campaign also made many endorphins - hormones gives people the cheery, happy sharp rise.  


2. Dispel fear of disease from kissing


Once married, the saliva of two people "exchanges" are inevitable. Besides increasing the amount of oxytocin have the effect of relaxing mood or promote endorphine - hormones that make you feel comfortable, pain ... the study of Dutch scientists pointed out, a prolonged kiss 10 seconds can exchange up to 80 million bacteria. 


Along with that, the kiss will be the launch pad helps the influenza virus, herpes virus, bacteria rampant tooth decay and emigrated to your body faster than ever.


3. There are many friends across four sky



It is true that as a FA, you can familiarize yourself spoiled, gather with friends without worrying about "him" vexatious. The study was conducted during 10 years of a university in Australia shows people crowded friends often live longer than 22% compared with those at you. 


The Harvard researchers pointed out, a broad social relationships help enhance brain health.


4. Independence and money "vibrate" pockets


The date will be made not less you fall into a "penniless" because usually go to buy gifts or food lover. Therefore, while the FA, you'll save a small amount of money not for these costs. 


And more particularly to women, while FA, you will not suffer from diseases that gender psychology called "relying on society." Accordingly, you should never try their best if they think can rely on someone else.


5. Always have the creativity, innovation surprise


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi scientists have concluded in their study that in 2011, the lonely, the people can feel better about themselves, even just the smallest ever change. 


Along with that, in the situation when no one spoke, the human brain will have appropriate mechanisms to stimulate the imagination, the creativity of the individual self to avoid boredom. 


6. Wound healing


Do you believe, if you're in a relationship, the emotional discord your body will take longer time to heal.


A US study has shown, the beautiful coast does not have a negative impact on the immune system of each person. Evidence is an arm burns in a couple discord take more than 2 days to heal than singles.


7. Always sleep


The quarrel is not with lovers or porridge phone throughout the night would not push you into stress, fatigue, moodiness chronic next day. A sleep enough sleep will help enhance the body immunity and work more efficiently in the morning. 

About the author


Hello everyone . My name is Nang-quy . I'm 23 years old,i'm a student at THAI NGUYEN University of technology , and i live in THAI NGUYEN . I like playing soccer, listening to music, playing games computer. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother and…

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