security in Afghanistan

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(Security in Afghanistan)


  Afghanistan is a country that many years foreign countries assaulted and become a area of fighting between foreign countries and now suffer of security and attacking of militant and Taliban

,but security is the main problem and people search security and all day scare from suicide attacks and kidnapping ,

security is bad in a country that children in suburbs can’t go school and reason is security and killing in suicide attacks those events that a illiterate group just to taking money killing innocents or himself kill,

and women are permanently suffer because in war time there right has been wasted and up to now just because of bad security and sometime by disagreement of their families that again security is the main reason and cant gain thee rights.

but how we try for security? nothing  we just looking to Ana anp for security instead we try for security and do our responsibility against country, and now killing our hamates a problem, so all of us must try to bring security hope to feel security as soon as possible.

About the author


Tamana is a 10th class student in Mahjube Herawi High School.

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