Sell Yourself To Yourself First

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Joe Girard is described by the Guiness Book of World Records as the Greatest Car Salesman in the world.  While every other car salesman sells seven cars a month, he sold six cars a day.  And if you think he did this by selling a fleet of cars to companies, think again.  He sold one car to one customer every single day—face to face, belly to belly.

         How did he do it?

         If you ask him, Joe will give you this answer: He didn't sell cars.  He sold Joe Girard.  Because the only reason why people will buy cars from him was if they believed and trusted him.  So he had to sell himself first.

         But if he was going to make others believe in him, he needed to believe in himself first.  In other words, if he was going to sell himself, then he has to be his first buyer!

         Every morning, after he combs his hair and puts on his shoes and dons his coat, he looks into the mirror and asks himself the question, "Will I buy me?”

         In other words, does he believe that he can do it?  That God has given him the ability to make people happy by selling them good cars—and in the process earn money?

         I'm convinced that this is the first secret of financial success.

         You have to believe that God has gifted you with all the abilities that you need in order to earn more than enough.

         Zig Ziglar said, The most important opinion you have is the one you have of yourself, And the most important conversation you'll have is the one you'll have with yourself.

         Before you leave the house every morning, answer first the question, "Will I buy me?”  If the answer is no, don't leave the house.  Find out why.  Get rid of the doubts and start marketing yourself to yourself again.  Leave the door only when you're totally sold on yourself—that you're a great product you'll be proud to share to others.

         Sell yourself to yourself first.

About the author


Hi! I am Engr. Ray Balba, 24 years old , networker, forex trader and Law of attraction practitioner.

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