Septemberism Shoot

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So the big day is upon us.

Tomorrow i start shooting my first short film, written, and directed by me and I am really looking forward to it. I have an excellent crew and a strong cast who I believe can pull of my idea and make it amazing. I am stressed out as today is the final preparation. I have to get some last minute props, and rearrange a room to look like the bedroom, make some food for my crew, and then an early night for me.

So far this week i have been on two shoots, one as a camera operator and the second as stills/camera assistant. both shoots I feel were strong, but we had a lot of fun on both. This weekend, i have two shoots one after the other, so saturday is going to be a very long day

I well write a blog tomorrow night after the shoot to say how it went, as long as i haven't fallen asleep by then. 

About the author


My name is Dominic Mathewson and I am a young film maker.

My aim is to challenge boundaries and share stories that I feel need to be shared.

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