Shotokan Karate

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Karate is one type of martial arts that teaches you how to defend your self in fights 

Shotokan is one of karate schools as there is more than one school

karate consists of two words 1) kara means embty

                                                      2) te means hand

karate origin was in Jaban

this sport also teaches you how to control your self in a fight and gives you self confidence and as long as you have self confidence you will rarely be involved in fights as you are quite sure that no one can harm you it also makes you think before act also as any other sport it keeps you fit 

It manly consists of kata and kumite 

A) Kumite : can be described as ruled fights means each two players fight together but under rules which grantees that none of them gets hurt


B) Kata : it is an imagination of a fight but you do it alone it consists of several moves that you can defend your self by it

Karate belts : it shows your degree, how professional you are and it is ranging as ( white-yellow-orange-green-blue-brown-black) and the black ranges from Dan 1 to Dan 10

And this is karate uniform

karate is special than other martial arts as you use both your hand and your legs not only hands as in boxing or only legs as in taekwondo 

it also makes you flexible and can perform many moves easily 

as it is a sport so it is a useful thing to spend your free time in and as all of us know that a sound mind is in a sound body so it makes you always positive .


Mahmoud Zawary

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