Following on from my last blog, I have confirmed my main idea for a short drama, called 'Silent Night'.
Firstly, the inspiration for my idea came from a matter that is close to my heart. Silent Night is a film that will hopefully raise awareness of heart attacks. My Grandfather unfortunately passed away from this before I was born and I have an irregular heart beat. From discovering this, heart attacks have always been a worry of mine. Since making this my films subject it has personally benefitted me as I am continuing to learn more and more about the illness throughout the project.
My film involves and widowed elderly gentleman, who since his wife's passing has resorted to drink to ease his sadness. He wakes up suddenly during the night, feeling a tightness in his chest, this then builds to a numbness in his arm. He next experiences dizzy spells and feeling faint. The man slips away, never to wake again. Throughout the film, the elderly man is narrating, explaining to the audience what he should have done during his heart attack, instead of ignoring his symptoms.
The aim of my film is to inform the audience about heart attacks and how to act if one strikes. I hope that my film will fulfil this goal and do heart attack awareness justice.