Six Things to Always Say to Your Spouse

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Here's a snap shot of the back of a book that my friend, Abby, saw while in a book store.  It was so sweet that it nearly made me cry when I read it.  The book is entitled "All There Is" and it's a compilation of love stories from StoryCorps.  The back cover has a story about a man reflecting on his marriage of 53 years with his late wife, Vivian.  He shares six things to always say to your spouse.  Oh, this is good stuff......there are few things more beautiful than an older husband and wife who still have so much love for each other. 

This reminds me of a line that Danny asks me nearly daily......and he says it so very sincerely every single time:  "Is there anything I can do for you?"  It makes me melt to pieces every time he does it.  I hardly ever have something for him to do for me (cause he already does so much) but I still love that he still really does make me feel loved.  
Are there any lines in your marriage that seem to work like a charm?


The calendar today says "Spring Begins".  Hopefully it's feeling like spring now where you are.  New York could not be any more glorious.  The tree blossoms are about to burst and I've been feeling like a school girl on my bike, riding around town with a big smile.

FYI, I'll have another post up today!  (You may have noticed that happens from time to time!  Though I'm thinking of making it a regular Tue./Thurs. afternoon edition.  I guess I just have way too much to share with you!  :)

Wishing you all a wonderful day!


P.S.  Don't forget, you can still order a brass cuff & earrings from the jewelry designer here in Brooklyn, Sarah Alice.  I've seen some girls wearing these items at church and they look fantastic!

UPDATE:  Look what a reader sent me! (inspired by today's post)...I love it !!


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