Smoking Habit can you beat it?

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''I'm going to quit smoking tomorrow'' How many times you have said this line? And still until now you are a smoker. Well I know what you feel and how really hard it is to quit this addictive habit.

I am a smoker before, as early as 12 years old I already smoking cigar. I am now 22 years old and luckily I was able to quit in that bad habit.

I'ts not that easy to quit smoking I know how hard it is I've been planning this since I'm 15 years old and I finally stop smoking when I'm 19. It takes me 4 years to quit, but I still managed to stop. I was able to quit when my father is diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) It is a problem in your lungs mainly caused by smoking. This illness is for life you, it is not curable and it is very fatal and in order to stay alive you have to take expensive medicines for your entire life. And that's the turning point, and I said to my self I really need to quit this.

Here are my tips in quitting and did really works to me: 1. Tell family, friend and co-workers about your plan in quitting this helps me a lot in a way that you can't smoke when they are around because you told them about your plan, in that way your smoke intake will decrease until you can finally quit. 2. Find someone friend maybe who also willing to stop smoking and you can help each other, in that way you have your motivation. And finally what helps me a lot is 3. Set date: Set date within the next 3 weeks, so you have enough time to prepare without losing your motivation to quit. You need time for this take your time little progress is still progress keep that in mind.





About the author


I Elemar 22 years old a registered NURSE and Blog fanatic, Blogger.

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