Social Engineering Tactics To Watch For

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Social Engineering Quotes on mainstream media to watch for in attempts to sway the sceptics and weak minded people:

"I use to believe this stuff, but not any more".

"This has just gone way too far, It's just too much to believe".

"I was about to disagree with you, but you made a very good point".

"...I just got my first vaccine..."

I'm not saying that every time these quotes are used that it's a social engineering trick, but these are quotes that are used for social engineering purposes. In due time after studying the enemy you should know on your own when it's a social engineering trick. You probably won't catch it all the time, but you will generally know when social engineering is happening to you as long as your vigilant.

Other social engineering techniques I have caught are that the media claims that major racism exists. Does racism exist? Yes it does. What the media claims is that racism is a major issue now days. It makes a white person feel like they are a pile of crap. What I get from these types articles is that there is too much peace between races, so the medias job is to create the illusion that hostility is still a major problem between different races. An example is the Canadian government is working very good with the Indians of Canada, so "Idle No More" was created in (my opinion) to create the illusion that there was no progress in relations between the Indians and the white people. This is an attempt to stop any more progress in relations. They want to stop the unity of different races because it's harder to conquer a united country. Idle No More in my opinion was created to create division between the Indians and the white man.

Another method is when a broadcast says for an example: "Many men watch soap operas but don't admit it..." This makes every man that hears this feel alienated and they are suppose to watch soap operas now. Is this a subliminal form of propaganda on behalf of TV channels? or is this a subliminal message designed to turn all men into weak minded couch potatoes? Either way, if all men are soap opera watchers then our society is a degenerated society and we don't stand a chance if our country was attacked in a war, and our economy would also plummet if all men turned into soap opera watchers.

These are only 2 of many many examples of how the media socially engineers the people who watch and/or listen.

We have to watch out for the things we watch and/or listen to. Be vigilant and be aware of hidden and subliminal messages in everything you watch or listen to. Social engineering can be done by images in the background of a show, or sounds in the background of an audio.

You have to watch for these things on your own. Some might agree with the fact that we should just turn our TV's off at all times if you're not watching sports or Christian shows. I'm not much of a TV watcher. I downloaded some old shows just so I can feel normal again, and listen to good ol fashion music which I hated when I was younger but now appreciate.

About the author


Grew up in small town Saskatchewan. Not much else to say here.

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