Social networking sites Like Facebook and Twitter allow you to connect with just about anyone, from your neighborhood to the farthest locations in the world, from your grade school crush in kinder garden to your future girlfriend/boyfriend that you always fancy. Browsing this sites make you feel connected to a large group of people with such ease. But with this easy access and the fastest connection these Social Medias can give it also have its downside.
Most often, Social media gives us false connection, sometimes we judge people based on what we see and what they post without knowing the real state of their lives. False perception can lead to false connection because we don’t know who they are. Now, how can we create a meaning relationship with them if we don’t know them personally? The foundation is weak.
Today in the Philippines there is a Cybercrime Law implemented. It was created to protect internet users from various internet related issues or crime. It includes protection from cyber bullying which is very common today here in our country. I want to focus on cyber bullying because it doesn’t choose any age, from a grade 1 student to most famous celebrity they can be bullied. This is bothersome to most parents because children are defenseless about it. It can create trauma to those kids who experience bullying. Mostly, bullying comes from school, it affects the mental and physical abilities of the child; the effects is that they could not perform well in school; they could not focus because they are afraid, their self confidence and self-esteem are weakened, worst case victims have driven to suicide.
I believe that social media also decrease productivity. Even me, sometimes I spend so much time using Facebook and other sites. There are so many things, many tasks we could accomplish but we prioritize using the internet. Even in offices or at work, most company is liberal to their employee to use the internet but for business purpose only or for gathering information. Due to this freedom and because of those not so discipline and not so responsible employee they are using it in a way that is not productive like logging in on Facebook, watching YouTube, twitting at twitter while at work.
Lastly, Social Networking sites invade our privacy; they encourage us to become public about our lives. Because personal details on our live can be posted so easily. Private information’s like your addresses, home phone number, mobile phone number, birthdays and our working area can easily be access which makes us prone to people with bad intentions. While most sites allow their users to control who see the things they've posted, such limitations can be difficult to control; most of them don’t work well as advertised. So be careful on what you are posting on this Social Networking sites. Don’t post personal information if it is not necessary and don’t post personal photos. And most of all don’t post personal dramas it is very annoying! Social Media is not a bad thing but we as users should be responsible on everything we post.
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Erik Qualman