Social Networking

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The term social networking refers to the sites such as; Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and myspace. Social networking is a highly effective way to connect with other people regardless of their geographical region. Many people use social networking for running a business, finding old friends, and keeping a professional profile. There are many benefits with using social networking sites for business and personal reasons.

  • Growing popularity- the growing popularity if social networking sites make using them for your business or products very successful. Once you learn how to properly use social networking for your benefit, it can widely promote you and/or your business effectively.
  • Population- The population of people using social networking sites is widely diverse. People using the sites range in ages, races, and social backgrounds. Using the sites with such a diverse crowd only benefits their users.
  • Ease of use- The fact that the sites are easy to use and free to set up make them enormously popular as well. Anyone and everyone can sign up for these sites with nothing more than an email, name, and the most basic of information.

Social networking gives everyone the power to become friends and promote themselves to people outside of their normal reach. Many people have begun using sites to start up businesses, sell products, and meet many new people. In my opinion every business should have social networking accounts because they are almost guaranteed to get more publicity. Publicity that is free, how can you beat that?

Give the social networking world a try. Sign up for a site and see how you like it. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. 

About the author


My name is Caitlyn Kellett. I am 23 years old and the mother of two kids.

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