Some wrong concepts about Pakistan defence budjet

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unfortunately there ar are certain agents present in our country who spread this fact that Pakistan is a defence and a security state and its annual budjet has increased upto 70% to 80% is being spent on forces due to which common people do not get proper rights and their favours . this is a totally  propaganda which has been being spread in various periods with hidden anti Pakistan agents . after too many research it has bee concluded by experts that maximum of the budjet is spend in welfare of pople and in public sector development . next bigger amount I being spend in paying foreign debts . next bigger amount is spend in maintenance of such institutions which are being are being ran by the government . after that all these expenses rest of 17% to18% amount is served for defence purpose . and anti Pakistan agents spread this wrong information that defence budget about 70% to 80% . we have to minimize this misperception about Pakistan forces . they ae the guardian of this nation . for this purpose our media should play positive role they should organize such talk shows which would define the facts about pakistan armed forces .these forces are the guardian so people should help their defenders to make defence force undefeatable . today current situation   is that annually gov. increase 10% in defence budget that increase is forwarded to manpower and rest all defence institutions jut only sustain them in such a low budget.

today Pakistan army is facing lot of troublesand worries in North Waziristan in operation zarb e azab . this operation is continue with full success .as a result of this army operation army has to take care of refugies who had left their   homes and every thing for complete success of army .

in this  situation we people should donate living necessities , food items , drinks , clothes , blankets , funds , tent , etc in short every one    should donate upto his own   capacity so that our brothers and sisters who left their homes for the prosperity of this nation   . this month pkaistan army has deducted one day payment from every soldier and officer . this is the positive step toward th success       .

pray for success of pak army and be happy


About the author


saeed khan , age 20 , student .

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