Special needs to focus on Solid waste management
Solid waste
Solid waste are those types of waste which is insoluble and occupying the space and causes many problems in the environment and for living organisms.
Solid waste has many types and comes from many resources like
- Household waste
- Agricultural waste
- Factory waste
- Offices waste
- Mining waste
- Sewage waste
- Hotel waste
- Hospital waste
- Hazardous waste
- Nuclear waste
Issues related to solid waste in Pakistan
In Pakistan garbage means solid waste is dumped in open areas they causes air pollution and creates many diseases and noxious smell.some waste which is present in solid waste is soluble means biodegradable paper wood food but some are non degradable like plastics, rubber.
Causes and Effects
The poor community and migrated peoples are live near this garbage and get highly suffered and they had got many diseases like:
- Cholera
- Diarrhea
- Lung problem
- Allergies
- Suffocation
- Vomiting
Poor community sends their children to collect the waste from their use or for selling to earn some money. Children highly suffer from this.
Govt should need special focus on this issue, to protect the life of peoples, to protect our environment, to protect air.they should developed the solid waste management departments and they collect the waste on daily basis and then recycle it.