Statement from Michael's Dream Foundation.

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Good afternoon everybody.

In the light of the recent news, we would like to make it clear that we will continue to honour Michael the way he would have wanted; by ensuring his humanitarian efforts continue now and for generations to come.
Our love for Michael grows stronger with each passing day and it is that bond we have with YOU; his beloved fans; which will secure our success in ensuring Michael’s love will be spread to the far corners of the earth.

We have shown our determination to honour Michael this way; with our recent Dream Box deliveries to France, Italy, Turkey, Australia and the USA and four deliveries to the UK last year, including to 3 year old cancer patient Kian Musgrove. This legacy continues with a further up-coming delivery in April; to Bethesda Children’s Hospital in Budapest – to the same hospital where Michael met little Bela Farkas – the little boy whose life he saved when he worked hard to find him a new liver. We truly are following in Michael’s footsteps.

But all this would not have been achieved without YOUR help. It is through your undying support that we can continue to grow and achieve our ultimate goal of building that Children’s Hospital which Michael intended to build. He had the Dream and we will be the bringers of the Dream. And it is through this Dream that Michael will be forever remembered for all the positive things he gave to our world.

Michael often spoken about the importance of unity and we are united with his fans around the world in unconditional LOVE, as we strive hard to help as many children as possible.

Thank you for remaining by our side during this magical journey. There is still much work to be done; but side by side; we are all strong and determined enough to see it through together – to achieve that mutual common purpose – of honouring Michael; the greatest humanitarian of our time.

We look forward to sharing with you more updates on how Michaels legacy of love is still being delivered and ask that you please do continue to support us with your generous donations; to enable us to continue building that Dream; brick by brick.
L.O.V.E Team MDF

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