"Oh, how it comes annoying when someone wants to ask you for a favor or borrow something or ask to go somewhere or drive them somewhere for some other reason. It has happen to me many of times. I will be in a conversation with someone such as; a neighbor or sibling or friend and the person will not come directly and ask me straight out instead they throw hints. Well, I reply back, I am not a mind reader so therefore I can not read minds.
Trying to figure out their hints don't work with me. It is very irritating when I am in a conversation with someone they beat around the bush and throw hints. It drives me crazy. Example: what happen to me yesterday, my sister and I was in a conversation we were having over the phone. She calls me mostly every night. Last night I felt she wanted to ask me something, Now I am not sure if she didn't know how to approach the question to ask me but she threw hints. I never will know what she wanted to ask me because it was getting late so we said our goodnight to each other and that was the end of our conversation.
Just come out and ask, if I am able I will help but if I am not I will be honest and upfront and say no and explain why? "Please don't throw me hints or play the guessing game. I am no good in reading minds.
Have this ever happen to you? someone will throw hints or beat around the bush. It is annoying, it is frustrating because you wonder what was on their mind that was so important to ask and never did so my mind wondering till I see her again I come right at and ask? Her question she wanted to ask me if I would drive her to the Drug store, now how simple was that to ask. Since she did not asked she walked the mile or two to the Drug store. Bad part is I would of drove her to the Drug store she would not had to walk in the humid heat. Speak whatever is on her mind, all the person can answer is No or Yes but never will know unless you ask or be upfront.