Stop Being a Loner

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Being a loner is a defining characteristic of the bad boy. The “lone wolf” is part choice and part circumstance. A bad boy chooses to be alone because it’s just easier, but circumstances and behavior cause him to alienate himself from the opposite sex and even his own gender.

Putting an end to the loner status is simple — be more open to relationships based on friendship and not purely sex. Correcting many of the behaviors above will immediately attract more people and you may find that turning your gaze outward to the lives and problems of others rather than just your own can be incredibly liberating.

Instead of making yourself scarce, and disappearing every time a woman mentions plans to do something other than slip between the sheets, be more active in the dating scene. Go out with women just as friends. Prove to the opposite sex, and more importantly to yourself, it’s not always just about being the bad boy.

About the author


i have so many idea in my head... :)

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