Cu 11 Ti year elementary school class 5. Learning is a boring school week cu Ti refused to do homework and ask the teacher for more high school because the curriculum is too low.
Teacher leads to the office cu Ti headmaster, presented the tail story. He sold disbelief principal, teacher's desk to ask him some questions cu Ti Science teacher will also ask about general knowledge Ti, Ti cu correct answer if he would jump cu Ti layer .
- What is 25 times 25? - Principal asked
- Yes 625 - Cu Ti meet
- The formula for calculating the area of a circle?
- Yes that's Pi squared radius.
- Water vapor loading and when?
- Yes when water boils at 100 ° C
After 1 hour of "torture" cu Ti, Ti cu sentence also meet all right, he is very pleased with the principal scientific knowledge of cu Ti and delivered to the teacher asked about general knowledge:
- What The little bigger?
He freaked out but the principal cu Ti answered immediately.
- Yes it is crab bigger and smaller.
- Something in her pants but you can not have?
Green headmaster both sides.
- Yes 2 the pocket
- In the place where the woman curly hair the most?
He trembled principal.
- Yes in Africa.
- What you have in between her two legs?
He was dumbfounded principal.
- Yes is the knee.
- What the people of her always wet?
He principals gaped in surprise.
- Yes is the tongue.
- What's her childhood when she has no husband and broad when she married?
He did not sign principal cu cu Ti Ti answer but responded immediately.
- Yes is the Bed
- Something soft but when her hand for a moment, then hard on?
He could not look her principal teacher.
- Yes nail oil
- What is the long term as banana, she held once it runs out of water?
He nearly fainted principal.
- Yes sir is ice cream.
He principals sweat out stamp teachers do not ask again and told cu Ti:
- I go straight to the university for teachers who had not responded at all to win one sentence !!!
Straight college
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