Student education in Afghanistan: weekly report by fateh high school

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All the schools are progressing and everyone is trying to go further. Fateh high school is the same. Its library, laboratory and computer class helped it to go farther.

The computer and internet training course which is held by Filmannex and Afghan Citadel Company helped the school to improve its quality. In this course the fundamentals of computer is being taught.

Technology is a very important element of training that is part of education since 1900, and caused important progressions. Nowadays it found its place in universities, school and other training centers.

About the author


Fateh High School was established in 2008. The school is located on Ferqe street and has 4 shifts (2 shifts for female and 2 shifts for male). It has 6,200 students, 160 teachers and 7 department in different fields.

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