Student life in Cyprus

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My name is Fazal Amin.I am from Pakistan and i come here to Cyprus in 2010 for i want to share and tell about the differnce between Pakistan and here i come here to internapa college as student of IT.and the fee  is 3300 euro/year which include medical insurance.and as law of Cyprus for student are not allowed to work and there presentative of college in pakistan say that you are allowed to work but you are not allowed here to work if immigration officer catch you on work they will fine 400 euro and after than when you are doing renewal of visa on next year they don't  give visa and make you illegal and deport you. and they will teach you that things which you already studied in Pakistan at class 7 and here teachers will only teach you from powerpoint slides and if you ask something from them they will search on google and tell my advise to every person not to come Cyprus for education and also for work too.

About the author


My name is Fazal Amin.I am from Pakistan and i am student in Cyprus of IT.

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